
Whether you just stumbled across our web page, or you visited one of our weekend gatherings and are a little curious about who we are, we are glad you’re here. Our hope is after you get to know us that you would quickly become a part of the Jesus Church family. So please spend some time checking out our site to see what you think. Come to our service. Chat with our team. Ask us your questions.

Sundays | 10 am

About us

We are a community of Jesus followers that do life together. Church is not a Sunday gathering but it is an expression of the community we belong to. We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the infallibility of the Word of God, and we believe Jesus is perfect theology. We are a community that is on mission together to see Jesus invade every individual, family, city, state, and nation. We believed Jesus showed us what it looked like to live life at its best. We follow Him, we worship Him, we find out the truth of who we are in Him, and we are awaiting His return.

Get Connected

Whether you want to grow in your relationship with Jesus, get connected serving in church, or want to be a part of our many life groups that do life together all over the Lansing area we want to get to know you.

To get involved, click here to message us for more info.