The heart behind starting Dwelling Coffee came from a desire to impact and bless the community around us. The impact would be primarily financial while also cultivating relationships within the community. We aim to create a space where people can gather with one another and enjoy a well-crafted, quality cup of coffee. The atmosphere of Dwelling Coffee will be warm and inviting for all customers. The heart of Jesus will be on full display in the workers hired and the relationships formed.

Dwelling Coffee is a ministry of Jesus Church and will operate under 501(c)(3) of Jesus Church. All net sales, including tips made by Dwelling Coffee, will be donated back to the community within four key areas. The key areas we will give back to in the City of Dewitt and surrounding communities are family, education, health and wellness, and culture. There will be specific organizations within these key areas that properly align with the values that we uphold and will donate to. Jesus Church and Dwelling Coffee will establish a board of leaders to make decisions and appropriately distribute finances.

From the beginning, leadership within Jesus Church felt from the Lord and agreed that Dwelling Coffee would be a debt-free business. All start-up costs that are needed will be provided by those who want to partner with the vision. Dwelling Coffee is a Christ-centered vision of the community for building up the community. Our mission is to produce quality coffee, cultivate community, and inspire generosity. If you desire to join us in our mission, click the link below and select the “Dwelling Coffee” fund.